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2021年結束前夕,我到柬埔寨展開了全新的人生篇章,正式開啟金邊的外派生活。前些年曾來此出差數次,此次前來長期定居基本上沒有什麼適應不良的問題,大抵上都跟我原先認知的相去不遠,慢慢探索這個城市/國家,逐漸建立自己工作與生活的步調。以此篇記錄我的店家口袋名單Google Map,分享給需要的人,不定期更新。(最近更新:2022/5)

Bars in Phnom Penh 白天晚上都適合小酌一杯的好去處。除了雨季以外大部分天氣晴朗,我最喜歡Sky Bar看日落或夜景吹風,通常飯店還配備泳池,部分消費後即可使用,邊喝邊游超chill;也有很多樂團表演、播放運動賽事或者純聊天的Lounge Bar,或者提供特殊服務的也不在少數(Riverside居多)。
Coffee shops in Phnom Penh 大多附設插座並提供WiFi不限時的服務,適合帶電腦去工作或滑手機度過悠閒時光。柬式咖啡廳會比較多青少年光顧,偏好安靜的人可選擇避開。
Cakes in Phnom Penh 蛋糕甜點愛好者必須有的清單。
Restaurants in Phnom Penh 金邊外國人多,其實各種風味料理都有。只選錄我會再次造訪的口味。


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This series come for foreigner in Taiwan who want to get more information about local life. Look forward to introduce a lot of useful tips and interesting things including traffics, traveling, shopping, and chill places. 


COVID-19 didn't hurt Taiwan so that much during 2020, but it suddenly broke out in middle May this year, Taiwan government announced level 3 alert since that time, and it doesn't end till now. Although government doesn't strickly prohibit people to go out from home, but all Taiwanese know that gathering especially indoor is highly dangerous, so people turn to online shopping more and more. If you still have to go to supermarkets/convenience stores to shop, you've better get everything done at one time as possible, and minimize numbers of going out. Better choose few people time to go, for example mid-night or early morning.  

Here are my recommend ways to get groceries, especially suitable for single who are not capable for store too much fresh food at one time. 

1. 熊貓超市 foodpanda market: Different from other delivery platform, foodpanda has its own stock warehouses located different city in order to build up its virtual market. It would be more faster than request the deliveryman to go to the phisical traditional markets to buy things for customer. The products are various, you can get almost everthing from chicken breast to toothpaste. Mind this service probably close temporary during meal time rush hour. If you need to use foodpanda service frequently, you may consider about join the foodpanda pro solution to save the fees.


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1. 解凍後的冷藏雞肉熱水川燙去除雜質和血水
2. 有的人會把雞肉和薑片蔥段先炒到表面微焦黃,再煮湯會比較香(此步可略)
3. 材料投入滾水,大火滾開後撈除浮沫,加紹興酒or米酒/鹽巴調味,轉中小火持續滾一小時



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